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The energy generated by the supercharger (boost value) is directly proportional to the drag.

The energy produced by the supercharger (boost value) is proportional to the drag. If the supercharger is pursued, although the energy output of the engine will increase greatly, the wind resistance of the blades inside the supercharger will also increase. This is why designers have to compromise between boost and engine load in order to avoid the negative effects of high boost systems. With mechanical supercharging, the supercharger is connected directly to the engine crankshaft and the boost is derived from the engine's output power. The advantage of this approach is that it is smooth and lag-free, and a constant boost is achieved at both low and high rpm conditions.

However, the boosting process consumes some of the engine output power and therefore has a limited effect on increasing power output, more for improving low rpm output performance. As the supercharging power comes from the engine crankshaft, it is often used in large displacement engines. Because the output power of small displacement engines is not very large, the effect of using mechanical supercharging is very limited, it is better not to use. Furthermore, a major role of engineered mechanical superchargers is to improve low rpm power output performance, which is usually only required for racing and premium cars. The high boost turbo system must allow the engine to withstand the dramatic change from negative pressure to positive pressure and high pressure, so the material and machining precision of the internal engine parts are very demanding, and the requirements for cooling and lubrication systems are also much higher than those of ordinary engines. Short maintenance intervals, complicated procedures, short working life, etc. are all disadvantages of high boost value turbo engines.

Full Turbocharger

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